Cross Wrist Release
A wrist grab is a simple attack but could, and
probably will if immediate counteraction is not taken, lead
to more serious offenses.
The first thing to do if your wrist is gripped
by an attacker is to make a fist in order to protect your fingers,
which at this point are extremely vulnerable. The next thing
you want to do is position your arm so that the edge of your
wrist is at the opening of the attacker's grip (at the tip of
his thumb).
If you are being held by a cross wrist grab (your
left wrist is gripped by a left hand or your right by a right
hand) it is necessary for you to move your fist in a small circle
over the top of the grip. This is necessary to position the
wrist edge against the thumb.
The edge of your wrist should then be where you
need it to be and, in one motion, you can step back with your
opposite foot and jerk your gripped arm to your opposite shoulder.
The pressure at the edge of your wrist will be
enough to break free from your opponent's hold. This should
be done in one, fast motion with a jerk or snap. The stance
that you step back into when breaking the hold is assertive
and you may not need to take any further action to dissuade
your attacker. However, if he does not back off, your fist,
which was just in his grip, is now at your opposite shoulder
and can be deployed for a back-fist strike to the attacker's
head or face.
Further action can be taken if necessary or an
assertive stance to insure safety, depending on the situation.
This is just one of many attacks which are covered
in detail in a video called, Street Self
Defense 101.