Dealing with the
"Sucker Punch"
One of the most common attacks is the sucker punch
or roundhouse punch which is lauched suddenly or unexpectedly.
The sucker punch is the initial attack in many
bar fights, mugging attacks, road rage and other situations
where tempers get the best of us.
If there was a way to "see" the sucker punch coming
before it was actually headed your way it certainly would be
easier to defend.
In threatening situations I teach my students
to watch the shoulders of the would be attacker. If the shoulder
suddenly drops or lowers there is a good chance that it is the
beginnings of a sucker punch.
Since most sucker punches are thrown in a roundhouse
fashion, there is usually time to respond if you can increase
your reaction time to them. Dealing with the actual punch is
easy if you have the time to avoid, evade or block the attack.
Usually a simple high or rising block directed
to the side of the attack is enough to stop the initial sucker
punch. Quick follow up technique are advised because once the
fight is on there will be a continuous flow of blows (or grabbing)
by your attacker.
I like my students to use the stop hit during
this attack as demonstrated in Street Self Defense 101 Volume
I. This counter is never expected and has devasting effects
on the attacker, many times ending the fight right there.
Shihan Michael Pace